
Become healthy with black vinegar


Black vinegar is a kind of brewed vinegar, it becomes classification of rice vinegar. Only the one using rice, rice koji and water as the main raw material is called black vinegar. Including a large amount of essential amino acids, Japanese black vinegar is mainly made from rice, whereas those made in China are made of scallion because Koryan and barley are also used.

Sometimes it is called incense from rich fragrance.

And there.

Recently, there are also health consciousness, various vinegars such as apple cider vinegar and pomegranate vinegar which are said to have diet effect besides black vinegar are circulating in supermarket and shop front.

I have used black vinegar a lot for cooking and drinking before.

The reason is that compared to ordinary vinegar

· Sour taste is not tight

· Taste mellow

Because there is a reason.

Among them, there are many descriptions such as becoming less tired easily and bad cholesterol decreasing on other homepage, and it makes me feel that I am certainly not tired easily, I feel that there is no mind or fatigue the next day after exhausting I will.

Once a day I am drinking “honey musk vinegar soda” divided by honey, black vinegar and carbonated water.





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